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Location: Southeastern, Pennsylvania, United States

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Meredith’s Day

I recently found a small piece of scratch paper with a list scrawled on it. I read it as best I could and realized that my oldest cat, Meredith, had written up a daily to-do list. You can imagine my surprise, since I didn’t think she put this much thought into her activities, let alone take the time to write them down. My shock was compounded when I noticed that her penmanship is perfect! It is even more legible than my Philadelphia public school scratchings.

In any event, here is the list of activities that makes up an average day for my girl Meredith.

1. Meow my head off until Daddy gives me my morning treats.

2. Use cat box.

3. Meow my head off until Mommy gives me my morning treats.

4. Chase my cat roommate, Steven, around the house until he hisses at me.

5. Cat nap. Repeat every twenty minutes.

6. Paw at the rubber plant in the living room until Mommy yells at me.

7. Watch the birds/squirrels/deer at the feeder in Mommy and Daddy’s backyard.

8. Paw at the bell hanging from the Christmas tree until Mommy yells at me.

9. Evening: repeat endless meowing until every human being in the house gives me my evening treats.

God bless Meredith. She manages to accomplish more in one day than her human staff can do in a whole week.


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