
A site of satirical musings, commentary and/or rhetorical criticism of the world at large.

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Location: Southeastern, Pennsylvania, United States

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

A Quick Valentine’s Day Wish

Just want to post a quick Happy Valentine’s Day wish for all of our blog friends.

Tonight would be a night for a fine wine and candlelit dinner in a very nice (definitely not McDonald’s) restaurant.  Alas, we have been together for 26 years and neither one of us needs to make points for a night of congress* to celebrate our romance.  Besides, we learned a long time ago that all really nice restaurants tonight will be stressful, full of screaming children and their parents who are boiling over with anger that their dinner reservations were misplaced, or worse they came without reservations and are steaming that they now have to wait 90 minutes for a table.

This has been determined to be counter-productive for those who have congress**on their minds.

Today we had a pizza lunch at my work to celebrate the day.  As usual, there lots of leftovers and everyone was invited to grab as much as they could grab before there was no more to grab.  I was successful at the leftover pizza buffet.  So, no wine and candlelight for me and Warrior Queen.  We will dine on free cold pizza for our romantic dinner in!

The operative word in that last sentence is “free”.

Can’t you just feel the love oozing from your computer screen?

Otherwise, Valentine’s Day was very good to me.  I got a case of beer, a pair of slippers, and a bottle of sloe gin.  Warrior Queen got fudge from Fly Creek, an Amazon gift card, a wine corkscrew with her name on it, and of course the obligatory dozen roses and box of Whitman’s Chocolates.

In all a very good day to celebrate love and chase away the mid-winter doldrums!

*Thanks to Spo Reflections for reminding of me of the double entendre meaning this word.

**Just to be very clear, we’re referring to the making whoopee version and not the stagnant legislative body.

(Thank you reading and again Happy Valentine’s Day!)


Anonymous Old Lurker said...

Is that what was oozing from my computer screen? I thought my capacitors were leaking.

February 14, 2018 at 11:39 PM  
Blogger Raybeard said...

And a belated happy V.Day to you for yesterday, RTG. (I trust it was!)

February 15, 2018 at 3:27 AM  
Blogger todd gunther said...

Well, you may want to check your capacitors anyway. Thank you Old Lurker.

Thank you Raybeard. We had a very good day. We're still in love and didn't kill each other.

February 18, 2018 at 8:18 AM  

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