End of the Judicial Season
My blog has
been down since the middle of last week. The blog’s IT Department (i.e., Anne Marie) diagnosed the problem as a surge
protector that got burned, possibly by a lightning strike. A trip to the local office chain store and
one new surge protector later, we’re back in business.
So, did I
miss anything while I was gone? No? I thought so…
kidding! Actually, a revolution happened
with several skirmishes being decided in the halls of the Supreme Court. Rulings on the Voting Rights Act (VRA) and the
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) capped the end of the court’s current session.
progressives had plenty of reason to fret that the court would rule the way
they did. On Monday, the court ruled on affirmative action, but the actual ruling was overshadowed by reports from
court observers about Chief Justice Roberts’ bench antics. They noted and gasped at such actions as
Roberts rolling his eyes and shaking his head while Associate Justice Ruth
Bader Ginsberg read the dissenting opinion. This could be attributed to Roberts' exercising his First Amendment
rights (which I’m guessing he might know a thing or two about), but his actions
constituted a serious breach of court decorum.
(I must
admire that last sentence, with all of its court related terms: constituted,
breach, and decorum. Sometimes I amaze
even myself.)
Given this
report, how could we the people hope for sane, intelligent rulings from the high
court when the leading jurist in the nation behaves like a fidgety five-year-old
forced to endure a long church sermon.
We also got
our hopes up with reports that Justice Thomas woke up from his hibernation and
actually SPOKE from the bench. Unfortunately, the reports weren’t true: he did not speak, but he did
contribute to a dissenting opinion which means that at some point he was roused
from his comatose state to type out a few words. Well, at least he didn’t roll his eyes.
That was
Monday. On Tuesday, the Court invalidated
the formula in the VRA that determined which areas of the country
would be subject to federal scrutiny before they changed any of their voting
rules. I can see the point of unfairness
of subjecting these rules to these areas – mostly the southern states, all
former members of the Confederacy — while giving the rest of the country a
pass. The majority opinion argued that
conditions in these areas had changed and the ergo the rules were no longer
needed. (Ergo! Wow! Where the hell did that come from?)
So yes,
while conservatives rattled off statistics about African-Americans making great
strides in the south, they ignored movements in the rest of the country where
the VRA could be applied. Voter ID law in Pennsylvania? HELLO!
The court
threw the controversy back into the laps of Congress, who being a Republican
conservative majority at this time aren’t expected to do a damn thing. Yes, it was not just to apply VRA to just
certain sections of the county, but why remove the incentive for Congress to
correct this injustice by invalidating the law?
were the Justices up all night (Justice Thomas was obviously excused) thinking
their decision through?
With this in
mind, we had no right to expect anything but the court to uphold DOMA the next day. But, praise
be, another surprise! The court ruled
DOMA unconstitutional and refused to overturn a lower court’s suspension of
California’s Proposition 8 banning same sex marriages.
The news was
welcomed and cheered in the gay community and by other progressive thinking
people! The reactions from conservatives
and the religious right wing…yeah, well, you can’t make everyone happy. Their reactions will fill another blog entry,
but for the moment we should celebrate.
are in order for all of the soon to be newly-wed couples applying for marriage
licenses in California, and congratulations to all other gay couples who have
had the second class status stigma lifted from their shoulders. The rulings have been a long time in
coming! Cosmos for everyone!
Yet, the
combination of the two major rulings in the closing days of this court session
might throw a damper on the party. Who’s
to say that the given VRA is determined to be outmoded, that some douchebag legislator
from the midwest won’t propose some outlandish and preposterous notion that
only citizens who can furnish proof of being part of a heterosexual
relationship will be allowed to vote? And there will be no VRA in place to overrule it.
Who’s to
say, except me? Okay, penalize me one
round of cosmos for suggesting such a thing. Either that or may God strike my new surge protector.
So one
battle lost, one battle won, and the war for equal rights will continue.
(Thank you
for reading. Can someone wake up
Clarence Thomas and tell him he can go home now?)