Sunday Morning Post (V.2, #16) – President Petty and Vindictive Strikes Again*
How is it
that many of us could see what the 2016 election of a grifter to the Presidency
would mean for American democracy, and yet how could we not be able to
imagine the depths which he is taking this country?
We realized
rather early one that the Orange One was not suitable for high office. His record as a business man should have
tipped us all off: six bankruptcies in his career and driving countless other
contractors out of business when he refused to pay his bills. This idea or
casino didn’t work out? Oh well, have the
lawyer draw up papers to pay creditors some of what was owed, shrug the shoulders
and walk away.
is usually more devastating for a typical middle-class American. Aside from the stigma of failure (in America
no less) comes the loss of available credit for years. The average American cannot just walk away from
losing all that they have worked for. Millionaires and billionaires can afford
to smile and wave.
Yet that appears
to be what the President is preparing to do as he drives America into the
Never mind
his vendetta against WHO at a time when all countries need to cooperate with
each other to conquer the common enemy. President
P&V's actions will only exacerbate the pandemic, which will only complicate
the recovery of the America economy.
Congress leapt
into action with passing a few, dare we say borderline socialistic, measures to
alleviate the economic pain most American workers. This is all well and good, except that President
P&V has specifically singled out the US Postal Service as not eligible for
an economic rescue to stave off bankruptcy unless they agree to raise shipping
rates for Amazon, which is owned by one of the President’s arch enemies, Jeff
The President
is actually suggesting a raise in parcel shipping of four times what they are
now. The trouble is that when the US
Postal Service raises rates, they don’t do it scatter shot to affect just one sector of
the economy. They have in the past
raised rates uniformly across the board to be fair to everyone. This would mean a fourfold rate increase of
not only shipping packages, but also regular mail services.
the cost of a single postage stamp is 50 cents.
My Fellow Americans, are you prepared to pay $2.00 for a single postage
So, let’s
imagine the worst-case scenario of this maneuver. The US Postal Service does not get aid they
need, they declare bankruptcy, and they are forced to lay off their entire force of
postal workers: all 600,000 postal
More people on unemployment who
eventually may have to declare bankruptcy and default on their mortgages, which
will hit the banks, which will create a potentially endless series of ripple
effects on other sections of the economy.
And that is
just the economic effect. What about
the interruption of mail delivery on which the US has become dependent for the
last 200 plus years? Grandmom and granddad won’t get their catalogs to order
necessary items or their magazines to inform and entertain them if they do not
have computers or internet service for the online versions. The Post Office’s competitors at FedEx and
USPS allegedly do not have the infrastructure in place to take up the slack.
The exchange
of Christmas and birthday cards will become nothing more than a quaint reminder
of America’s Norman Rockwellian past. Local
politicians have used the Postal Service to send out flyers and pamphlets about
upcoming elections and the issues which a well-educated electorate has a right
to know. That will stop. Putting the Postal Service out of business
will put a serious crimp in political parties ability to reach out to the
Are you listening,
GOP? Think about these consequences
carefully. You’re only hurting yourselves
when you allow President P&V to shrug his shoulders and walk away from the disaster
he created for America.
*Or How About
a $2 Postage Stamp, America?
(Thank you
for reading. For the record, I adore Rockwell
and all that he immortalized in his work.)