
A site of satirical musings, commentary and/or rhetorical criticism of the world at large.

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Location: Southeastern, Pennsylvania, United States

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Sunday Morning Post (V.2, #29): Rare Recordings

I have mentioned my vinyl record collection which numbers a little over 3,000 records a few times in these entries.  I have stopped going to record shows years ago for several reasons and have not purchased any recordings in years.  Yet, I’m still on the lookout for the unusual and rare recordings for my collection.

This week is another list with titles of recordings I wouldn’t mind having if I could find them.  If anyone happens upon any of these titles in your travels, then please let me know where I might find them.  Please don’t go out of your way to track these titles down as I have been told that they are extremely rare.*

How Great Thou Art – John Lennon

I Am Woman – Lindsey Graham

Reefer Man – Judy Garland

All The Girls Love Alice – Kate Smith

Ballad of the Green Berets – Bob Dylan

Mother - Liberace

Imagine – John Bolton

You Talk Too Much – Marcel Marceau

Everything is Beautiful – The President

*If they exist at all.

(Thank you for reading.  Like I said they are extremely rare!)

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Sunday Morning Post (V.2, #28): John Lewis

The American civil rights movement got some bad news this week with seemingly federal troops descending on protestors in Portland and the death of U.S. Representative John Lewis.  The Portland incident is being seen as the President’s law and order stance in action.  Lewis’ death is a blow to be sure, but this is only a moment to say farewell and not give up the game he played for so long.

The President has warned Democrat only mayors that he would take over their cities if they could not control the streets.  His idea of control — if we are to account for the federal actions in Portland — seems to be reminiscent of authoritarian regimes restoring order in other countries.  Czechoslovakia, 1968 anyone?

Now the President’s regime (let’s not fool ourselves that it is simply an administration anymore) is shocked, simply shocked, that the protestors would react to the violence visited upon them with, wait for it, more violent counter-protesting.  In layman’s terms, rioting has not been squelched. In retrospect Lewis’ passing could not come at a more inconvenient time.

Lewis was a veteran of such demonstrations.  I don’t recall that he ever served in the military, but he was a soldier on the front lines of American streets.  He suffered a concussion at the hands of Alabama state troopers in Selma and was arrested numerous times.  Lewis continued the fight later as a representative to Georgia’s 5th Congressional District comprised of mostly Georgia’s state capitol, Atlanta.  So much for the hard-historical data common to obituaries.

My first thought when I heard about Lewis’ passing was, “Why now, Lord?  Why now?”  We need his voice now more than ever.  Then I realized that this was a knee-jerk reaction to liberal angst.

The whole point to Lewis’ lifelong work was simply this:  he was a human being the same as the rest of us.  Like the rest of us he played his part in the vast human drama and graciously exited the stage when forces greater than us determined that his part was completed.  It’s selfish not to let him go now.

We won’t hear his voice again, but thousands of other voices have risen up this summer to take his place.  These voices are younger, more energetic than any surviving Freedom Fighters.  Their motive — social and justice equality — is still pure.  On the other hand, they have much to learn in navigating the complexities of enacting social change.

This is not just their battle.  This is our battle.

John Lewis’ voice is now silent, but his leadership will continue the fight.

(Thank you reading.  R.I.P. John Lewis)

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Sunday Morning Post (V.2, #27): Christmas In July

I’ll let everyone in on a secret, but you have to make a promise before I reveal it.  You have to promise to be good in November, not get complacent about the future of American democracy and go out and vote or mail in your ballot on 11/3.  Promise?   Crossed fingers behind your back?  Okay.

Here’s the secret: the Joe Biden campaign and the Democrats just got a gift from none other than the President they want to unseat in November.  His gift?  He commuted the sentence of his close pal and convicted felon Roger Stone.  The President’s bud won’t have to serve any time for lying to Congress about his involvement in Russia’s interference with the 2016 election.  The commutation is admittedly an act which sets the whole concept of justice back about a millennium or two, but there is a silver lining to be had.

The Democrats can now use this act against the President as another example of his corruption of power.  The commutation will engulf the Sunday morning news casts and opinion promoters for both sides of the political aisle for at least the immediate news cycle.  After that the next wave of anti-President ads will virtually write themselves.  The Democrats will save money on employing a Madison Avenue style political consultant to create copy.  They can use their savings on purchasing huge blocks of advertising time on local television stations in prime time. 

It will be the gift that keeps on giving!  Thank you, Mr. President for being so thoughtful.

Even better, members of the President’s own party are coming out to denounce this “compassionate act”.  Former Presidential candidate and current Utah Senator Mitt Romney has condemned the President’s act as “historic corruption”. Historic corruption!  Imagine that! 

Mind you, this in reference to the President who promised to drain the swamp in Washington.  For the record, this President has done no such thing.  Rather than draining said swamp he has expanded its area to accommodate more muck.  That area is now roughly the size of the Gulf of Mexico, and growing bigger with every Presidential Tweet.

That’s a lot of muck!

The next few months have always promised to be interesting, but who could foresee this incredible stroke of luck!  It is very prudent at this point to circle back to our original thought:  this is no time to be complacent about Joe Biden’s chances.  We must all do our part come November 3.  For duty and humanity and American democracy! 

(Thank you for reading.  Remember…you promised!)