
A site of satirical musings, commentary and/or rhetorical criticism of the world at large.

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Location: Southeastern, Pennsylvania, United States

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Look! At the Top of the Blog! It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! It’s…SNORT BITES!


Our morning paper had a large, above the fold photograph of the two leaders of North and South Korea holding hands as they crossed, no, traipsed over the line that has separated the two countries since the 50s.  Apparently the two have been meeting this past week to improve their relations.  Judging from the photograph it appears that the talks have gone quite well.

There have been reports that the two countries will finally negotiate an end to the Korean War.  Wait, what? The Korean War never ended?  This will be news to most Americans who believe that war ended when M*A*S*H had its series finale in 1983.

Meanwhile, our leader is tweeting that only time will tell if their meeting will bear any fruit. Translation: how can I take credit for ending the Korean War if these two do it without me?  Yes, Mr. President, how can you take credit for this indeed?  Actually, we don’t give a damn if you have nothing to do with it at all.

After all, it’s their countries; it’s their business!

At blog time Arteejee was still trying to confirm rumors (started by moi) that the two leaders spent much of the weekend at a leather bar in Seoul perusing the Wi-Fi for advertisements for time share vacation units in the Provincetown area.


Okay, so finally justice was served and a serial sexual predator will maybe/probably serve time if he doesn’t die of old age (Cosby is now 80 years old) before the appeals process runs its course.

The victims are jubilant and the #MeToo Movement finally has an actual judicial victory.  I must admit that as someone who has been a fan of Bill Cosby since childhood, and as one who stood by helplessly while an ex-girlfriend dealt with the trauma of her own assault, I have mixed feelings about the trial result.   I’m feeling sad for everyone involved.

I feel sad for the victims of Cosby’s assaults over the years.  Although they can claim justice has been served, they still have to live with the profound pain of the original assault for the rest of their lives.  I’ve been told by several people over the years that, while time may heal some wounds, other pains will linger.  I can only hope Cosby’s attackers can continue to heal.

I also feel sad for Cosby who should have known better than to surrender to the basest of human impulses to attack a fellow human being just to satisfy his sexual urges.  It’s likely he got away with it once years ago in the same casting couch culture that begat the beast in Harvey Weinstein (among others) and allowed his urges to take control of an otherwise decent human being.  Very sad.

Now, if I may be so politically incorrect to play the race card...   Has any one noticed that while the #MeToo Movement successfully prosecuted an African-American male for crimes that males of all races have committed, that a white male with similar attitudes towards women was elected President?

Sorry, what was it we were led to believe that the United States is now a post-racial society?  Don’t you believe it!

(Thank you for reading.  And Snort Bites will return in The Essay That Shagged Me.)

Sunday, April 22, 2018

The New Shirt

Here at last is moi in my new Spo shirt.

Thank you, Spo, for your hard work and perseverance.

(Thank you for reading.)

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Rest in Peace Mr. Troyer

This was supposing to be a happy entry about my new railroad theme Hawaiian/camp shirt…but, things happened.   We will post the shirt news tomorrow.

Tonight, we are mourning the passing Of Verne Troyer, who will forever be Mini-Me.   Here’s a clip from one of the Austin Powers films.

Thank you, Mr. Troyer for all the joy you brought to us.  You were truly a giant in our lives.

(Thank you reading.  Rest in Peace, Mini-Me.)