Sunday Morning Post (V.2, #42) - The Last American Election?
We are less than 10 days away from the most crucial election in the history of our democracy. My mood fluctuates in anticipation. One moment I am encouraged by the single digit lead Joe Biden has in many of the polls. The next moment my mood has careened and crashed to a low even I knew never existed.
Thank you, bi-polar disorder!*
My blog title this week raises the specter of the absolutely very worst-case scenario if the psychopathic, narcissistic, biggest-threat-to-American-democracy-since-Hitler, loser Cheater-in-Chief does win re-election. Aside from the possible loss of our health insurance and our Social Security benefits in the very near future, #45 may oblige his enablers in Congress to overthrow the niceties of peaceful transition of power and proclaim him Emperor for Life.
Imagine fellow Americans! If this happens elections would become a thing of the past. We would not have to worry about the inconvenience of standing in long lines just to vote and guarantee that our voices were heard. Imagine waiving our rights to disagree about what our government is doing to our lives! Imagine those authorities finding out about your feelings and collecting you to remove you from society.
What’s that you say? You say you’re hooked on democracy? You appreciate the ability to voice your approval/disapproval at the polls at timed intervals once every two years? Well, then, you best vote now and enjoy freedom while you can.
Fortunately, this year the inconvenience of waiting in line has been replaced by the trepidation we’re feeling that our mail-in/absentee ballots will not make it in time to be counted. Warrior Queen and I are breathing easy on this score. We voted, mailed, and got a response from our county via e-mail that our ballots were received.
So, nanny nanny boo boo, #45! We fart in your general direction!
Someone reported that #45 has said he will leave the country if he loses re-election. Now, I know many of us would be more than happy/tickled pink to help him pack and shove him out. Unfortunately, there is already a horrendously long waiting list of people volunteering to assist him.
You are #347,568,000 and-a-half.
Or we could also consider taking the high road in wishing #45 well if he does decide to leave America. So far, I can only flesh out two well-wishes:
“Bon voyage! Don’t let the border hit you in the ass!”
“Great idea! Perhaps your BFF will put you up in his dacha for a few days.”
Something terribly rude which only the very blunt #45 could appreciate. I invite you, dear readers, to think up something. Remember you are only limited by your imagination and the First Amendment! Go wild!
Disclaimer: We hasten to add that your well wishes to #45 should not include any threats of physical harm. Such wishes would offend the Secret Service, and lord only knows how thin-skinned those men and women are.
America, be afraid, be very, very afraid. Remember to vote and save us from…us!
*Not an official diagnosis, but it would explain a lot.
(Thank you for reading. God help us all.)